Colorful Window. Photo by Brownstoner.
A Room With No View [NY Times]
From Upper West Side to Brooklyn [NY Times]
Residential Sales [NY Times]
Just Sold! [NY Post]
Moving a House Not So Easy [Bankrate]
7 Train Expansion? [Gothamist]
Scarano Project in Park Slope [Set Speed]
Brutal Mugging in Sheepshead Bay [7 Online]

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  1. I agree. If I’m subjected to another Manhattanite vs. Brooklyn article rehashing the same tired themes year after year I’m moving to Cincinnati.
    Perhaps someplace like that they won’t smirk with pride in being provincial.

  2. in reference to the times move to brooklyn article.
    i am so sick about of the times and its out of touch stories/news about brooklyn- ok- we already read all the articles about manhanites not getting brooklyn, not knowing where it is or how to get here and how good they feel about that fact… it’s almost as if the 5 or so remaining journalists for certain publications that are left in manhattan have to have their own redundant piece about this-