A reader emailed us last night after arriving home at around 8 o’clock to find that her block of Warren Street between 3rd and 4th Avenues had been shut down following a shooting. There were a couple of dozen cops on hand, and they said that someone from the nearby Gowanus Houses had been shot; she inferred from there comments that it was a teenager. She also inferred that the shooter was still on the loose. Anyone else nearby pick up any other details?

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  1. According to the cops, a 27-year-old man was shot in the leg outside 574 Warren Street(in the Wyckoff houses)and taken to Lutheran Medical Center.

  2. Hey Bob Butterfly.

    Obviously civil discourse is something you weren’t taught.

    Ignorant means unknowing, which obviously applies to you. I worked at a hospital. All gunshot wounds were reported. Its a crime not to and no doctor wants to lose their license over it. Yes some times people try to claim it happened another another way but 99 plus % of them get reported. Others above had told you the same thing.

    Ignoramus must be your secret identity.

    I knew someone would claim they were essentially all reported and you posted even before I finished typing…

    You can apologize, but I also doubt that you were brought up that way either.

  3. for all those who think gun control is the answer,take a look at Russia.Citizens were never allowed to own guns period,during the Soviet era or after the fall of communism.last time i checked,Russia’s murder rate is 5 times that of the US.

  4. lechecal, that’s cool about the grandfather. I guess it wasn’t Charleton Heston?

    “Etson–In places where guns are hard to get, like all of Europe, people don’t die from guns.”

    This doesn’t work, in Switzerland guns are not hard to get, every family owns a fully automatic assault rifle under the law.

    Gun crime is rising in the UK in direct correlation to the confiscation of guns from citizens. But of course the UK is not Europe.

    “If guns weren’t so easily attainable, kids would resort to old fashioned violence, like fistfights and knives. Not pretty, but generally not lethal.?”

    Gotta look at culture, and I don’t mean just ghetto culture. Given our history, we have a culture of violence, after all we’re in two wars right now. I once saw an interesting study comparing murder in Seattle vs. Vancouver which are two culturally and geographically similar cities. There were more people murdered in Seattle with weapons other than guns (per capita) than there were murdered in Vancouver with all weapons.

    We in the US have some work to do, and just a knee-jerk ‘ban all the guns’ won’t solve it. Especially since it will never happen.

  5. fsrg — Stuy Town was not low income housing and was fairly selective (i.e., discriminatory) about who they let move in there. Before they became profit focused police officers, teachers, and fire fighters got preferential treatment (as long as they were white, that is).

    It’s certainly not the architecture that’s a problem, and it’s not the density alone.

    I’m not saying you don’t get crime in low density areas. You certainly do. But the high density/low income “projects” were a government creation which has not gone according to plan, to say the least.

    dittoburg — If the peer group grew up in the neighborhood then the values developed in the neighborhood. That doesn’t mean 100% of the residents in the neighborhood supported or contributed to this development, but it happened nonetheless.

  6. northsloperenter – maybe

    but plenty of shootings (more per capita) in places like So Central where it was virtually all low density, and there is virtually ZERO in places like Sty Town and just a bit in places like Parkchester. (Both Stuy Town and Parkchester are identical to projects in every meaningful architectural/design way)

    Point is – its the people, not the buildings

  7. My grandfather was president of the NRA for a number of years. He had some really sweet guns. He also had a concealed carry permit. He once pulled his gun on some wannabe muggers in the subway. He didn’t pull a Bernie Goetz or anything, just made them piss themselves and threw them off the train.

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