If you’re looking for a commute that includes a variety of musical performances, occasional breakdancing, and plenty of straight-up crazy characters, you can’t beat the New York Subway. But during our travels abroad, we noticed one feature of the Tube in London and the Metro in Paris that really has us beat: Their platforms are lit up with signs (like the Tube sign pictured above) that let you know where the next train is going to and when it will show up. Not only to they make the cities more friendly to tourists, but they also seemed like they’d be helpful to anxious commuters. Finally, those screens are coming to New York. The L-train platforms will be the first to see the new signs, and they should be fully operational next month.
An ‘L’ of a Train [NY Post
Photo by xyc0n

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  1. Jim-

    don’t be bustin’ on the Ghost train. There are plenty of us that ride (and deride) that train. Brooklyn is becoming its own city, and the G train will play a critical role in the renaissance.

  2. Now don’t bust on my beloved Picadilly line. That train takes me to my favourite place in the world: Emirates Stadium (home of the Arsenal Gunners).