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  1. How many times does this flawed logic have to be addressed?

    The 19th precinct, where both of the murders that you cite occurred, has three murders so far this year.

    The 77th precinct, where this man resided, has 14 murders so far this year.

    In 1995, the year closest to 1996 for which the NYPD makes statistics available online, the 77th precinct had 30 murders, whereas the 19th had only one.

    Clearly, Crown Heights is the more violent of the two and has been for many years.

  2. You’re worried about 2 murders from 1996?
    What about the 2 recent ones on UES – the realtor and the bookkeeper from the jewelry store. Now there is a crime ridden ‘hood.

  3. 8:42, how dare you! Don’t you know that Crown Heights is nothing but gorgeous brownstones on tree-lined streets? No crime whatsoever, even better than Park Slope and Brooklyn Heights.

  4. It is a shame that the city is not rallying around these officers who were lured (by an albeit disturbed man) into killing a person whom was bent on suicide. Can you imagine the fear these guys were under at the time and the guilt, misery and anger they are going through now.
    Every last bit of evidence points to the fact that the deceased was committed to creating a confrontation that would result in his death and while it is unfortunate that the mental health system is not better equipped for these situations – that is not the cops fault.

    How can we expect the police to exercise good judgment when they are still attacked for exercising it.

  5. There’s no place like home in Crown Heights.

    Urged by his mother to get his life together, Troy Batson surrendered last Wednesday and confessed to a double homicide in Crown Heights and another killing in Bedford-Stuyvesant, police said.

    Batson, 26, of Kingston Ave., was charged with two counts of first-degree murder, one count of second-degree murder and attempted robbery, said police at the 77th and 79th precincts.

    The double-homicide victims were identified as Maxwell Callum, 38, of Rogers Ave., and Jeffreth Rose, 21, of Blake Ave. Both were shot in the head on New Year’s Day 1996 in Crown Heights. Their bodies were found in Callum’s home.

    In the other killing, Batson entered a building at 1565 Fulton St. and shot Emilio Carasco, 26, of 14th Ave., Bensonhurst, in the head and upper chest during a robbery, police said.