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  1. yankee, shea, meadowlands, ebbets are all STADIUMS!! not arenas.

    a HUGE difference.

    like 20,000 people different.

    comparing them is like apples and oranges.

    so sick of this debate.

  2. “4 Sports arena…uh…we could argue about this one for days…but all the studies arenas blight and degrade residential areas they’re built in.”

    Thank you. MSG, Yankee, Shea, Meadowlands, even Ebbett’s Field in it’s day – all undesireable for residential. I’m all for AY but I wouldn’t be looking to buy a home in Prospect Heights to live in.

  3. Okay…AY may not impact me all that much BUT, I had to counter some of this:

    1 Jobs??? =low pay retail with no benefits, next!

    2 Housing… mostly higher-end, not considered “affordable”…it shouldn’t even be called “Housing”! It should be called “Residences” or “Homes” like on all those new towers down Atlantic toward the Heights.
    Look, FCR was gifted an exception: they are not going to have to build MIXED income buildings like everyone else. They are getting to put up expensive towers for the well-off and segregate all the “affordable” units into single buildings. Completely skirts the intention of hard-won legislation.
    The whole proposed project is the result of this vein of executive dispensation bestowed upon a developer with connections. It’s the M.O. of A.Y.

    3 Parkland…WHAT?! This is stupid! The plans are NOT for parkland. The open space is planned to be more “private” and gerrymandered than anything remotely approaching a park. What a laugh! Just about all of it is scrunched in between hi-rises.

    4 Sports arena…uh…we could argue about this one for days…but all the studies arenas blight and degrade residential areas they’re built in. Plus, in this fiasco, the taxpayer would own the liability and FCR would rent it for $1.
    Of course FCR has set up deals like the Barclay naming rights for $400 million ALL going to FCR. Thanks guys!

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  4. “There’s a positive aspect to AY?”

    1. Jobs
    2. Housing
    3. Parkland
    4. Sports arena
    5. Will piss off self-interested/NIMBY/Daniel Goldstein flacks (3:43).