Even the most organized among us can get a bit frazzled on Thanksgiving. One number to keep on hand in the kitchen is 1-800-BUTTERBALL. The very helpful staff of Butterball ladies will be fielding phone calls from panicked cooks until 8pm tonight and from 6am to 6pm tomorrow. Brooklyn-based writer JJ Goode of Epicurious.com spoke to one of the top Butterball ladies, Mary Clingman, about the most bizarre turkey stories she ever heard. “A lady from Colorado called and said she had stored her turkey in a snowbank outside, and there had been a snowfall and she couldn’t find her turkey!” Ms. Butterball recalls. “All I could tell her was to use a flag next time.” Care to share any Thanksgiving mishaps here in Brooklyn?
Talking Turkey: Butterball Q&A [Epicurious]
Holiday Guide [Butterball]

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