After month’s of build-up, Trader Joe’s finally opened this morning at the corner of Atlantic and Court Street in Cobble Hill. Racked is on the scene, where Marty turned out for the ribbon cutting, remarking at the wet by-standers, “You people are nuts!” Anyone been by yet?
Live at the Trader Joe’s Brooklyn Opening [Racked]
Opening Day at Joltin’ Joe’s [Lost City]

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  1. Watcher has a point. Who wants plastic-wrapped and -bagged fruit and veggies? This neighborhood’s been blessed with shopping that’s like a country store — the greenmarket, Pacific Green, the tiny place on Court next to Margaret Palca’s, and all the others where you can get a good look at the produce and buy just the amount you want, from a shopkeeper who can tell a tangerine from an orange.

  2. Re: Trader Joe’s. What a terrible place! When we have Heights Chateau, Green Pea, Fish Tales, Los Paisanos, Marquet, Jim & Andy’s and D’Amico’s, which would anyone want to walk into such an homoginized, processed environment. I’d say the Keyfood across the street is much better. Fairway is a destination. This is dreck. My deal breaker came when I asked a nice young lady if I could buy some Zucchini. She said there were some downstairs, and she’d bring me some. I continued to shop, feeling very much like a traitor, until she returned to say there were no Zucchini. I pointed out that there were two in a package on the shelf labeled “mixed squash.” I suggested we open the package, and I take what I needed. She said, “We can’t do that.” I handed her my basket and left, never to return.

  3. broadwayron, this one is not smaller than the union sq. store, that is the tiniest one i’ve ever seen! actually, my roomie works there and apparently it is the biggest tj’s on the east coast.

    tybur, there is no wine shop. against some ridiculous nyc law? have no idea which. again, this comes from the roommate.

  4. By 10 am (one hour after opening) there was no line to get in and in fact it was a pretty pleasant shopping experience. Only waited about 6 minutes for a register. Disappointing that they don’t sell wine.

  5. I do think it’s funny how excited people are getting about Trader Joe’s. I think it’s great, but it is funny how excited people get when something bigger than a bodega opens up.

    Does this one have the wine shop? That’s the best part of the Union Sq store.

  6. My girlfriend went shopping in there today and said the crowd wasn’t bad compared to the Manhattan store (although, that doesn’t say much). She said it’s a lot smaller, though.

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